Tuesday 19 April 2016


VERSUS ZOOM comes out tonight and I'm really excited. The last episode was a really great one and I like the idea of Time Wraiths but I think that was just a way of killing time till this episode. One thing I liked about the last episode was that he found out the way to get FASTER. If the super girl tolled me anything it was that Barry is probably gonna figure out how to use that weird machine thing he had on his chest that earth one Harrison Wells used. I hope that gets used in VERSUS ZOOM.

Another thing I'm excited to find out is who this Hunter Zolomon is. I don't read comic books so I don't know who he is but I want to see ho he ties in with Zoom. One more thing to add. I really hope that instead of making Earth One Jay Zoom. I hope they introduce an Earth Three feature in this episode.

Any way those are just my opinions on the upcoming episode.
I will try and do a review on it when it comes out.

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