Saturday, 25 June 2016


Welcome to the WHAT UP WEEKLY, a weekly post about some cool things that have happened this week. These can come out more than once a week if I feel it is necessary and knowing me I'll probably forget to do it every week. Today I'll be counting down the TOP FIVE news items this week (entertainment wise). Please remember these will not be in any specific order...

  • This week Grant Gustin announced the name of the first episode of Season Three of The Flash. It's name is Flash point and it's meant to be a huge story line in the comics. I don't read comics but from what I've heard, Barry changes something (his mothers death) and the whole universe collapses around that decision. For the record, I can pick so many holes in time travel shows, I'm not even going to bother with this one...

  • I don't know if this came out this week but, its official... Spiderman Homecoming is created by Marvel. If you don't know what Spiderman Homecoming is, I'll tell you. Sony owns the rights to Spiderman, so that means anything relevant to the idea of Spiderman is there's. There's also this huge thing called the MCU which is a whole series of movies made by Marvel. In Captain America Civil War, Spiderman was featured. Then, there was a Spiderman movie announced (Spiderman Homecoming) and it was meant to be part of the MCU. However Sony still owns Spiderman so we didn't really know what was going on until now. Marvel's basically creating the movie and Sony is just watching them do it just to make sure they don't do anything Sony doesn't like. You know what? Just watch the video below. It explains it perfectly...
  • Minecraft 1.11 features are going to be displayed at MINECON! Minecon is a huge minecraft convention that is put on every year and even though this isn't a huge surprise, some new features will be displayed there! If you want to know what I hope is added to minecraft look NO further then the link below.
  • Minecraft Battle Minigame was released this week. The PC version of Minecraft has a bunch of really popular, easy to access servers you can play on but the console versions haven't had this (don't quote me on that). Mojang (the creators of minecraft) decided to create a little minigame/server for all those people using console. To be fair it costs more on console then it does PC and the console versions don't even have as many features as the PC so this is perfect! The trailer for it is displayed below. From what I can work out, it's kind of like a battle arena...
  • Vultron was released on Netflix. I have yet to build an opinion on this and I will try and make a post for it when I do...
I hope this informed you and made you want to play Minecraft or watch The Flash. If you would like some more information on these topics this blog is the place to look and if I don't do something you want I've got plenty of links to other places you might like. HOPE YOU ENJOYED

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