Sunday, 26 June 2016

NEW BLOGS on the way!

If you look on the side of the blog there should be a new link list labeled OTHER BLOGS! What other blogs? I here you say. THE NEW ONES OF COURSE. There are a lot more blogs to come and one has already been released! So... Today, I'm going to tell you about the new blogs soon to come!

  • FINAL THOUGHTS GUY NEWS                                                                                              This blog will feature all the news about the stuff we write about here. When there's some new and cool news that you might need to know this blog will be the place. Some EXCLUSIVE news articles will be posted on this blog about some of the same subjects if they are important enough. This blog is OUT now!
  • FINAL THOUGHTS GUY TWO                                                                                                  This blog features some extra information about the topics we talk about on this blog. It will feature extra information on posts that have appeared on this blog. This blog is not yet released.
  • FINAL THOUGHTS GUY AWESOMENESS                                                                            This blog will feature cool information on AWESOME items and places such as the HTC Vive and fascinating monuments. Unlike the other blogs, this blog isn't about video games, movies and TV shows, this blog is about cool STUFF in general! This blog is not yet released.

Saturday, 25 June 2016


As you've probably noticed the blog looks a bit different... I'm just here to inform you that, that was done on purpose. A week or so ago I released a post saying there would be some new sidebars. Continue watching the sidebars so you can notice the changes. I'm putting up a sidebar that will notify you on any changes so I don't have to make posts about them!


Welcome to the WHAT UP WEEKLY, a weekly post about some cool things that have happened this week. These can come out more than once a week if I feel it is necessary and knowing me I'll probably forget to do it every week. Today I'll be counting down the TOP FIVE news items this week (entertainment wise). Please remember these will not be in any specific order...

  • This week Grant Gustin announced the name of the first episode of Season Three of The Flash. It's name is Flash point and it's meant to be a huge story line in the comics. I don't read comics but from what I've heard, Barry changes something (his mothers death) and the whole universe collapses around that decision. For the record, I can pick so many holes in time travel shows, I'm not even going to bother with this one...

  • I don't know if this came out this week but, its official... Spiderman Homecoming is created by Marvel. If you don't know what Spiderman Homecoming is, I'll tell you. Sony owns the rights to Spiderman, so that means anything relevant to the idea of Spiderman is there's. There's also this huge thing called the MCU which is a whole series of movies made by Marvel. In Captain America Civil War, Spiderman was featured. Then, there was a Spiderman movie announced (Spiderman Homecoming) and it was meant to be part of the MCU. However Sony still owns Spiderman so we didn't really know what was going on until now. Marvel's basically creating the movie and Sony is just watching them do it just to make sure they don't do anything Sony doesn't like. You know what? Just watch the video below. It explains it perfectly...
  • Minecraft 1.11 features are going to be displayed at MINECON! Minecon is a huge minecraft convention that is put on every year and even though this isn't a huge surprise, some new features will be displayed there! If you want to know what I hope is added to minecraft look NO further then the link below.
  • Minecraft Battle Minigame was released this week. The PC version of Minecraft has a bunch of really popular, easy to access servers you can play on but the console versions haven't had this (don't quote me on that). Mojang (the creators of minecraft) decided to create a little minigame/server for all those people using console. To be fair it costs more on console then it does PC and the console versions don't even have as many features as the PC so this is perfect! The trailer for it is displayed below. From what I can work out, it's kind of like a battle arena...
  • Vultron was released on Netflix. I have yet to build an opinion on this and I will try and make a post for it when I do...
I hope this informed you and made you want to play Minecraft or watch The Flash. If you would like some more information on these topics this blog is the place to look and if I don't do something you want I've got plenty of links to other places you might like. HOPE YOU ENJOYED

Monday, 20 June 2016

Minecraft Story Mode: EPISODE SIX

So... I know it's been out for a week or so... But on the weekend I played through episode 6 of Minecraft Story Mode so today I'm going to write about it. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

So last time we ended up in the portal room. I must admit I was a bit disappointed that we didn't start off there but still... So we enter this new dimension where all the YouTuber's  play. I must admit they were all pretty good at voice acting.

Then you go on this big murder mystery and stuff and basically you have to solve WHO DUNNIT! I'm gonna be honest. I thought some other YouTuber  might turn out to be the bad guy but as soon as I heard the cats meowing, it was pretty obvious. I'm a bit disappointed they did that because I didn't want to know who the white pumpkin was until the very end!

I like the idea that the YouTuber's might come back and become a second team of Minecrafter's. I hope we see them return at the end of Story Mode. Speaking of the end... I hope some proper story line develops soon because I don't want such a great games final episode to be about being stuck in another dimension. I WANT A PROPER VILLAIN! I honestly hope Aden returns in the end.

ONE more quick thing... I want more Axle and Olivia! PLEASE!
If you guys want to watch a good point of view for the episode check the two videos DOWN BELOW

Thursday, 16 June 2016

NEW sidebars

This is a post to tell you about some changes to the blog. There is now easier ways to navigate the blog. If you want to view any running series with over two episodes you can look down the side. There is also a list of things I make posts on. One thing that I'm working on adding at the moment is Minecraft map links.


ALL Pokemon SUN AND MOON video's

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


So... Pokemon Sun and Moon is on the horizon (that was a pun) and I thought I need to release this. In the previous episodes I have talked about how I don't want to choose a starter Pokemon until I see their final evolutions. I've seen other people do this but I'm gonna do it anyway. I'm going to show you what I hope they each turn out to be. I'm going to do one for each Pokemon and then talk about why I like it. At the end I'll say which one I would choose if the pictures I have shown, were there evolutions...

So... Litten is the new fire starter and at first he was not what I wanted. He wasn't really what I was looking for in a Pokemon. Then I started to think about what his final evolutions might look like. I really want to see a fire tiger Pokemon. Litten is literally BEGGING to turn into a lion or tiger and I would like to grant his wish. This probably isn't the best picture to demonstrate what I'm looking for but if this had a bit more colour in it, I WOULD LOVE IT

This one is really tough. I know what I want from this Pokemon and no one seems to want to design the picture for it so this is the best I could do. I quite like the idea of the final evolution, it's just missing something though... If it became this I would be fine but I think Popplio has a bit more potential then this design and I really want to see it.

This is one of the best versions of Rowlet I've seen. Even though Rowlet isn't the sort of Pokemon I would pick, if all else fails, I'm going with him. This is probably not what he'll look like and I have found a picture that I think he will look something like, but I'm using this picture because I like the stump on Hootdini's head and the idea of him become more and more formal is really cool.

Anyway now I have to decide... I'm not going with Popplio I know that but... I'm gonna have to go with Litten. I would choose Rowlet but I like size in my Pokemon and Rowlet hasn't really got it...


Minecraft: WHAT DO I WANT TO SEE NEXT? Episode One

I've been playing Minecraft Story Mode a lot recently and I've been thinking about how I could use the story line from there to update minecraft! This is a little segment where I will tell YOU, what I want to see next!

First off... WITHER STORM. This is a monster from Minecraft Story Mode. It is like a huge version of the wither that looks thrilling. This could be a monster that you and your friends would have to team up to destroy.

Now that we've talked about that! ARMOUR! In Minecraft Story Mode you get to select from some really cool sets of armour. I thought about how you might be able to obtain these when I came up with an idea. What if the appearance of armour and other items changed when you enchanted them. Imagine if your swords appearance changed when you put more and more sharpness on it! Imagine if your armor changed colour and became more bulky the more you enchanted it! There are so many possibilities with this concept.

Let me know what YOU think!


So there's this new trailer for the new Pokemon game which just got me way more excited. I'm not going to name the Pokemon individually but these had some seriously cool designs. I still really want to see some final evolutions though before I make decisions I which Pokemon I want for my team.

If I had to say which starter Pokemon I want at the moment I would have to go Litten. He has so much potential for a GREAT final evolution. My ideal final evolution of Litten would look like this...

Doesn't that just look AWESOME?

If you would like to check out the latest Pokemon trailer look NO further then above!

ARE YOU FOR REAL? Minecraft 1.10

So on the weekend I logged into Mine craft and saw a new update for Minecraft. I realise that this is only a snapshot but still... WOO HOO! We literally just got 1.9 and they've released 1.10 already. One thing I thought I'd never see in an update is polar bears! That was the first thing I did when I logged in. I spawned enough polar bears to flood Antarctica!

This is just a quick post but... MINECRAFT!!!