Friday, 20 May 2016


Legends of tomorrow was GREAT this week. It was definitely not my favorite episode but I know people are exploding because of the character reveal at the end. I don't really know who it is but comic book fans are exploding with excitement because of some team he's in! I'm probably just gonna read a wiki page about him to find out who he really is. I got a bit of information from one of Emergency Awesome's video's. That video is displayed down below but let's get serious and talk about the episode itself!

(One more quick thing! I saw the picture for this video before I watched the episode so I totally thought the character reveal would be Superman!)

This was a very cool episode and I really enjoyed the idea that they had to kill Savage three times AT THE SAME TIME (if that even makes sense)! I also enjoyed seeing Sarah react to Laurel being dead. I'm not really caught up with arrow yet so I can't say much on this but I liked it a lot!

One more thing! I think Rip Hunter is a really cool character but HONESTLY! HE'S SO SELFISH! He recruited a team to save his family AND THAT'S PERFECTLY FINE WITH HIM! But he can't even bother to think about the consequences!

 I know they had to make this decision for the sake of the shows but that bit where he tells her the whole WORLD would have died if Sarah was there was SO cheesy!

Other than that bit this episode was just a bit worse then what I wanted it to be so... All in all... IT WAS STILL A GREAT EPISODE! But seriously... I am so much more excited for The Flash final then I was for this one!


So a week ago, the trailer for SUN AND MOON dropped! So what better time to air my new series! POKEMANS SUNSIES AND MOONSIES!

NOW the big question for everyone is: Which starter will you choose? So judging on what I've seen so far... I really can't decide. At first my original pick had to be Litten but then I looked at Rowlet and thought he looks kind of cute? But now looking at the three I really like the look of Popplio!

So which one will I choose?

Well... HONESTLY... I'm going to wait to see their final evolutions because there's always ONE that stands out me!

THE FLASH Season 2 Episode 22 INVINCIBLE Review:

Last week I never reviewed the runaway dinosaur! Sorry!

I think this has been probably one of the best episodes yet. I know everyone thought that the runaway dinosaur was probably the best and I will admit it had some great story line but I was sick and tired of Barry not having his powers so it felt like a bit of a drag!

Probably my favorite episode was RUPTURE. I know that that's a very controversial opinion but I watched so many things I wanted in that episode it was unbelievable!

Anyway this was a really great episode! I am just waiting for Wally and Jesse to get their powers and if they don't get them next week I will EXPLODE! Jesse and Cisco are my two favorite characters and you don't know how happy I was when I found out they were getting powers! PLUS I need MORE speed! I just need it to make the action more exciting!

If you haven't watched it yet go watch it!
And if you haven't seen the trailer for the season final I have put it down the bottom!

Saturday, 14 May 2016


RIP: Captain Cold... Robber of ATM
(It was so sad

Captain America: SPOILER REVIEW

Are you ready to hear what I thought about CIVIL WAR: (careful there will be spoilers)
I thought it was...

People are talking about how this could be the best Marvel movie ever. Even Kevin Smith (evidence).
But... Because you've already heard people talk about how good it is let me tell you the one thing I hated...


When Batman vs Superman was announced and Captain America Civil War were confirmed deep down I knew that no one was going to die... BUT... How cool would it have been if someone did die?

At the end when Captain America and good old Iron Man are fighting how cool would it have been if cap dies! Then Bucky would run off and take the role as Captain America. Captain America then becomes a vigilante and then in Infinity War part one Iron Man has to hunt down the escaped avengers and face his biggest challenge yet. Accepting that Bucky killed his parents so he can work along side the new Captain America. Plus how cool would it be if Captain America had a metal arm!