Friday, 22 April 2016


Why is everyone such a critic? Why can't they just respect things and accept the fact that sometimes they might stuff up! Honestly... I DON'T KNOW!!! The past two days the Flash has been getting terrible reviews for Versus Zoom even though it was a perfectly good episode and now I look at the news for Legends of Tomorrow and the first thing I see is criticism! I mean seriously what is this all about!

I watched the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow this morning so I can assure you the I will be uploading again on this subject when I do the review of the Legends of Tomorrow episode 12!


So yesterday I did a video on some starter Fakemon! Now I'm starting up a little series were I can list out some really cool fakemon pictures I want you to see. They're in no particular order but... HERE WE GO!!!

Number One:

Created By: Smiley Fakemon

Number Two:

Created By: MTC-Studio

Number Three:

Created By: MTC-Studio


So I've been thinking and someone is probably going to die in this movie. (I swear to god if they kill war machine I will cry because they showed it in the trailer!) I have my predictions!

I think that Captain America will die in this story. I haven't bothered to look up when his contract goes to so this is totally just a huge guess but here we go!

From what I've heard Captain America dies in the comic books and then for a while Bucky takes his place. I think this might be sort of what happens. I don't know if they'll kill him off or just put him in a coma but I think it would be seriously cool if Bucky took his place because he wanted to step up and be a hero not a killer.

I think this would be a sick story line and that would make the MCU even cooler then it already is. I mean... If they did that, at the end of Infinity War part one the avengers could be all defeated and they could all be sitting down somewhere and then the big reveal comes... Captain Americas not DEAD. Then he could give a speech and then right at the end he could say: "One more thing... I'm gonna need my suit back..." 

Any way that's just my opinion!




O.k seriously what is going on with people talking about how bad the last episode was?

Thursday, 21 April 2016


Before you read this I want you to know I'm not a huge Pokemon fan I just like knowing about starters and when I saw three videos by a guy named Eryizo I knew I had to do some posts on the same thing so... HERE ARE MY TOP 3 POSSIBLE WATER STARTERS FOR SUN AND MOON

Number One:

Number Two:

Number Three:

These pictures were made by Master the creatr and MTC-Studio
This will be updated


Before you read this I want you to know I'm not a huge Pokemon fan I just like knowing about starters and when I saw three videos by a guy named Eryizo I knew I had to do some posts on the same thing so... HERE ARE MY TOP 5 POSSIBLE FIRE STARTERS FOR SUN AND MOON
PS: I will update the grass one later because I only did three or it

Number One:

Number Two:

Number Three:

Number Four:

Number Five:

These Pictures were made by:

This will get an update...


Before you read this I want you to know I'm not a huge Pokemon fan I just like knowing about starters and when I saw three videos by a guy named Eryizo I knew I had to do some posts on the same thing so... HERE ARE MY TOP 3 POSSIBLE GRASS STARTERS FOR SUN AND MOON

Number One:
Number Two:
Number Three:

I know that their all by the same artist (MTC-Studio) But their still my favorite!
There was no particular order to these but if you want one then:
1. Boscarnage 
2. Windahlia
3. Pankwando
Thanks for reading!

Here's the Pokemon Sun and Moon trailer...

Here's Eryizo's top five new grass starters video!


I really like this little clip from Captain America Civil War because its the first time we've seen Scott Lang in person since it was announced. :)


I just thought I'd say quickly that I was just looking at some of the news on the flash and I found out that some people were Hating on versus zoom. I just wanted to quickly say that I do realise making Barry make a deal with the bad guy was stupid but still! If Marvel made a mistake on Captain America Civil War... Would you still go and see doctor strange.

JUST because the flash made a mistake doesn't mean we should hate people!

The Flash Season 2 Episode 18: Versus Zoom Review

I thought this was a great episode of the flash in general. Even though there wasn't as much action as I had hoped there to be there was still a lot of cool story line I wanna go over so lets begin...
I'm gonna start with my top three favorite moments because there were some cool ones in this.

1. Barry Loses his speed
This was a bit of a downer for me but it was still my favorite bit of the episode. I really liked how he slowly started losing his speed on the treadmill and before he started running I liked that sort of face of regret he had. The only thing that could have made this seen better is if Harrison Wells had have said Run Barry Run. I do realise that he probably doesn't know that that was what Earth One him said a lot but it still would have been cool.

2. Cisco opens a portal
I know a lot of people might think that when he failed was a bit cooler then when he succeeded but I just liked seeing Cisco finally extend on his powers cause I would totally watch a show called The Reverb!

3. Wally is captured
This is just cool because you know... It is

The only big downer is how they used that time remenent thing to fix up how jay got killed. I was seriously waiting for him to be all like: "You didn't think there was only two earths did you?"

Another thing I want to mention is that: HOW COOL WOULD IT BE IF THE MAN IN THE MASK WASN'T A MAN BUT WAS A WOMAN AND THAT WOMAN WAS: Barry's Mum! I know he's known as the man in the mask but how cool would it be if that person was like a time remenent of Barry's Mother!

Anyway I don't know how I feel about the next episode with Barry having no powers. That sort of bums me out but I'm sure it will still be a reasonably good episode. I hope we see a bit of what Caitlin is up to in her prison cell as well!
I hope you are just excited as I am for future episodes.

Here's Episode 19's trailer by the way...

Tuesday, 19 April 2016


VERSUS ZOOM comes out tonight and I'm really excited. The last episode was a really great one and I like the idea of Time Wraiths but I think that was just a way of killing time till this episode. One thing I liked about the last episode was that he found out the way to get FASTER. If the super girl tolled me anything it was that Barry is probably gonna figure out how to use that weird machine thing he had on his chest that earth one Harrison Wells used. I hope that gets used in VERSUS ZOOM.

Another thing I'm excited to find out is who this Hunter Zolomon is. I don't read comic books so I don't know who he is but I want to see ho he ties in with Zoom. One more thing to add. I really hope that instead of making Earth One Jay Zoom. I hope they introduce an Earth Three feature in this episode.

Any way those are just my opinions on the upcoming episode.
I will try and do a review on it when it comes out.